Top performer in social mobility

U.S. News & World Report recognizes colleges who are successful at advancing social mobility by enrolling and graduating students awarded Pell Grants. The majority of these federal grants are awarded to students whose adjusted gross family incomes are under $50,000. 


Discovery Program

Are you looking to life after high school and realizing your vision for the future may be in jeopardy? That choices you’ve made do not reflect the person you really are?

At Bluffton, past decisions do not limit your future success. 

The Discovery Program is designed to support students of academic promise who do not meet one or more of the initial admission requirements.

Isaac Zickafoose - Discovery Program at Bluffton

Changed trajectory

Isaac Zickafoose, Distinguished scholar in sport and recreation leadership, started at Bluffton in the Discovery Program.

How the Discovery Program works:

Carefully planned classes in the first semester provide tools to help you develop the skills necessary for academic success. Discovery Program students also benefit from financial support, including academic scholarships

All participants in the Discovery Program take the Applied College Skills DIS 050 class during the fall semester. In order to continue studies after fall semester, Applied College Skills class must be passed with a C- or better. Students who find success in this class greatly increase their ability to graduate in four years.  

In addition, you may be asked to take two other foundational courses as a part of your fall semester class schedule: Basic Mathematics MAT 050 and Academic Writing CMP 102. This will be determined, in part, by a review of high school academic records.

Academic support

Participants in the Discovery Program work closely with the Learning Resource Center. LRC staff provide assistance with study skills, time management, tutoring, homework and test preparation. This serves to smooth the transition to the academic demands of college level work. 


For more information, contact

Ethan Stearns

Ethan Stearns

Admissions office graduate assistant

Top performer in social mobility

U.S. News & World Report recognizes colleges who are successful at advancing social mobility by enrolling and graduating students awarded Pell Grants. The majority of these federal grants are awarded to students whose adjusted gross family incomes are under $50,000. 

