

的 Honda Outdoor Sculpture Garden was funded by Honda Corporation and dedicated in 1997 on the 10th anniversary of 狮羊和平艺术中心 of 沙巴体育 包括各种各样的雕塑.


Jonah's deliverance from the whale was created as an acrobatic resurgence, a kind 精神上的转变. 没有任何阻碍,开放的数字的飞跃和 触角与鲸的十字形吸片并列. 四周都是石凳, visitors to this bronze sculpture are invited to ponder their own experiences of transformation 从混乱走向和平.


This four “rooms” of the stainless steel sculpture represent home as a 和平ful and not-so-和平ful place: a nest of birds with a cat hovering below, a haven where children create and act out their dreams or a place where everything is turned upside down. 和平 House invites those whose faces are reflected in the mirror-finish of the sculpture 想想他们的家.


和平 Wall replicates the 柏林墙, 监狱 bars, a stockade wall and a memorial wall to represent separating people by locking 一些 in, keeping 一些 out, memorializing 一些.  Names of people who worked for 和平 and justice are included on the various 墙. Some have died as a result, 一些 have been im监狱ed but, regardless of the sacrifice, all have been committed to working for positive change around the globe. 的 800 four-inch graffiti tiles on the 柏林墙 were designed by Lima Senior High School art students under the direction of art teacher and Bluffton graduate student 丽莎·阿内特·卡弗. 的 circular shape of the moon gate represents unity and completeness 进入我们的生活. 穿过月亮门是一种拒绝的象征 让墙把我们和别人隔开.


Constructed in 1961 to separate West Germany from East Germany, the 柏林墙 represented the barrier between the countries of Western Europe and the Communist countries of 东欧. 缺失的那一段墙代表了建筑的破坏 wall in 1989 and the beginning of political and economic changes in that area of the 世界.


访问ors are invited to pass through the 月亮门 as a symbolic gesture of refusing 让墙壁将他们与他人隔开. 月亮门的圆形形状表明 统一和完整进入我们的生活. 在月亮门的入口处有两个 shelves on which visitors might leave symbols of those things they want to let go 路过时留下的:路过时留下的或留下的.


Ocsar罗梅罗 萨尔瓦多大主教,1979年诺贝尔和平奖得主,遇刺身亡
耶稣基督 Incarnate Son of God, taught followers to love their enemies and turn the other cheek
圣雄甘地 在南非和印度发起非暴力抵抗运动
马丁·路德·金. Nobel 和平 Prize Winner, advocate for civil rights and non-violence resistance
赛斯劳克林 Quaker, refused military service during Civil War, arrested and tortured, died in 监狱
Maurilia Coc mac和
海伦Caldicott 反核活动家,医生
哈丽特塔布曼 废奴主义者,1849年从奴隶制中逃脱,帮助他人获得自由 
大卫躲避 商人和和平主义者,1815年纽约和平协会的创始人
托马斯·默顿 宗教作家和诗人,特拉普派僧侣,牧师
Gustavo Parajon 尼加拉瓜和平调解人约翰·保罗·莱德拉赫
穆巴拉克Awad Founder of Nonviolence International and Palestinian Center for Nonviolence in Jerusalem
Baldemar维拉斯 拉丁裔领袖和俄亥俄州农场劳工组织者
斯蒂芬•王 Victim of Great Cultural Revolution in China; Educational Exchange Student to Bluffton
特蕾莎修女 为印度穷人服务的天主教传教士,诺贝尔奖得主
多萝西的一天 Catholic Worker Movement, pacifist, Houses of Hospitality in voluntary poverty
Stephen Biko South African founder/leader of Black Consciousness Movement, died in police custody
和平朝圣 Walked 2500+ miles to advocate for 和平 among: nations, groups, individuals, inner 和平
丹尼尔·嘉宝 世纪挑战集团在越南的志愿者
伊沃·马尔科维奇 Bosnian Franciscan priest, international 和平making efforts, lives in exile in Zagreb
肯萨罗威瓦 尼日利亚人权,被军政府谋杀
麦尔斯霍顿 Founded the Highlander Folk School and was active in the early Civil rights movement
科尔曼麦卡锡 华盛顿和平教学中心的创始人兼主任. C
Dom Helger Camara Brazilian archbishop, social worker, human rights organizer, advocate of the poor
阿道夫·佩雷斯·埃斯基维尔 阿根廷诺贝尔奖得主,正义与和平服务组织领导人
诺曼弯曲 尼加拉瓜和平调解人约翰·保罗·莱德拉赫
泰德Studebaker 社会工作者被越共杀害
Menno西蒙斯 Anabaptist 和平maker in the 16th century, Mennonite derived from his name
安娜Janz Anabaptist martyr remembered through letter to her infant son, Isaiah; in 烈士之镜
德斯 Anabaptist who rescued his persecutor from drowning and was later executed
克莱顿Kratz 世纪挑战集团在乌克兰的工人,被捕后失踪
巴托洛梅·德·拉斯卡萨斯 倡导美洲原住民的权利和正义
一行禅师 越南佛教僧侣,基督教徒和佛教徒之间的和平缔造者
St. Maximilianus 北非,拒绝参战
珍妮特·兰金 第一位当选为国会议员的女性,和平主义者,投票反对美国.美国进入两个世界 战争
St. 亚西西的弗朗西斯  Franciscan rule: not to take up deadly weapons or bear arms against anyone.
Paulo Freire 巴西教育家
拜亚特。 种族平等国会的创始人
WM. 劳埃德·加里森 反对奴隶制的拥护者
诺曼·托马斯。 Minister in the Fellowship of Reconciliation, You cannot conquer war by war.
乔治福克斯 贵格会领袖/友会创始人
莉迪亚·玛丽亚·柴尔德 和平倡议者和废奴主义者
玛丽亚·韦斯顿·查普曼 废奴主义者
以利户Burrett 创立了美国第一个世俗的和平主义组织.S,博学的铁匠
伊丽莎白·卡迪·斯坦顿 Woman s rights advocate, organized the first Woman's Rights Convention
穆罕默德·安瓦尔·萨达特 埃及前总统,诺贝尔和平奖得主,遇刺身亡
简-亚当斯 和平主义者和社会工作者,1931年诺贝尔和平奖


黑色的水壶 Cheyenne chief, 和平 advocate for Native Americans despite threats on his life
Deganwide Founder of the league of five Iroquois nations and the Law of the Great 和平
伦纳德·珀尔帖效应 American Indian Movement leader, falsely accused of murder and im监狱ed
劳伦斯·哈特 夏安族和平首领
黑色的麋鹿 Oglala Lakota religious leader who became a Christian and shared his faith with other 部落
约瑟夫酋长 Wallowa Valley Nez Perce leader, 和平 advocate between Native Americans and whites
南希·沃德 切罗基和平战士


丹尼斯·科恩 在越南战争期间没有登记的门诺派教徒
劳伦斯·坦普林 门诺派教徒在二战期间因担任指挥官而入狱
达赖喇嘛 西藏精神/政治领袖,1989年诺贝尔和平奖得主
拉里。” 二战期间,贵格会教徒因担任指挥官而入狱
Badshah菅直人 巴基斯坦各团体之间的和平倡导者
罗莎·帕克斯 Participated in nonviolent civil rights movement in US through Montgomery Bus Boycott
Sybill阿雷东多 的 anthropologist from Chile, im监狱ed in Peru as a human rights activist
劳尔•瓦伦堡 Saved thousands of Jews from the Holocaust, disappeared while in Russian captivity
亨利·大卫·梭罗 诗人/《沙巴体育》的作者
威塞尔 的 Nobel 和平 Prize winner, author, survivor from Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Glewitz
纳尔逊·曼德拉 1993 Nobel 和平 Prize, 30 years im监狱ed for anti-apartheid, South African president



的 six-sided western cedar International 和平 Pole was planted in 2007 to mark 的 狮子和羊的20年促进和平.

May 和平 prevail on earth is translated into 12 languages: Arabic, Bosnia, English, French, German, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Lakota Sioux, Russian, Spanish, Swahili 和美国手语. 


Located below Sauder Visual 艺术 Center near the Riley Creek and based on legends found in many cultures, the three large granite rocks create a neutral space to foster dialogue and listening in an effort to resolve conflict through dialogue without resorting 暴力.