Office Services

Office Location Contact
Academic Affairs Office College Hall, second floor 419-358-3317 
The academic affairs office provides services for registration and academic advising and is the home of the dean of academic affairs, registrar and other academic-related offices. 
Admissions Office  Houshower House
Spring Street 
招生办提供招生资料,配合新人、转学 和即将到来的学生,安排校园参观,带领学生参观 application process.
成人和研究生办公室 Mara Alva House
Spring Street
The adult and graduate studies office offers adult and graduate programs at a flexible and manageable pace. 通过在线,一周一个晚上和课堂选择,学生 能在业余时间攻读专业学位或完成学士学位吗.  
Alumni Relations Riley Court, Byers Hall
second floor
校友关系是沙巴体育发展部门的一部分 大学的过去,现在和未来都是为那些拥有的人提供资源 attended the university. 这是计划回家,FareWelcome的工具 周末及其他校友活动.
University Archives and 
Musselman Library  419-358-3275 
大学档案馆和门诺派历史收藏收藏了许多文物 from Bluffton’s past. 收藏的历史年鉴和照片,世界 二战期间的信件,《沙巴体育》的旧出版物以及更多沙巴体育沙巴体育的资料 大学不断发展的历史可以 viewed online,或亲自与馆长联系.
艺术和讲座学分计划  Registrar’s Office 
College Hall, second floor 
Call: 419-358-3321
Fax: 419-358-3323
The arts and lecture programs offers a shared academic and cultural experience among 教职员工和学生. 学生必须参加至少60门艺术和艺术课程 讲座活动超过四年毕业. 活动包括论坛,周五讨论会, 艺术招待会,音乐会,戏剧,作者阅读等等.

Athletics Director Sommer Center 
Rosenberger Road
体育主任与体育项目一起安排和协调 为沙巴体育的运动队举办活动、比赛和常规赛. He manages conference related material and works with alumni events, recruitment opportunities 还有全年提供的运动营地和枪战.
沙巴体育自然保护区 Augsburger Road  
The 沙巴体育自然保护区 is home to 160 acers of woodland and grassland 小径上,有小湖野生动物栖息地. 它在白天开放. Hikers 是否被鼓励留在修剪过的小径上,允许捕鱼和放生 at the pond. 它以莱利溪上的摇摆桥而闻名. One of the newest 此外,莫耶自然中心加强科学和娱乐教育. 

 Bookstore  Marbeck Center
1 University Drive
 1-888-392-2930 or 
书店是学生租借、购买和归还教科书的地方 through the Textbook Butler program. 这家商店还提供基本的文具、教室和组织用品 还有沙巴体育的商品.
 Buildings and Grounds Bentley Road  419-358-3237
Buildings and grounds provides groundskeeping, custodial, maintenance, plumbing, heating, ventilation, air conditioning and other services to help ensure the university operates comfortably and smoothly.
 Business Office  College Hall, first floor   419-358-3312
商务办公室维护学生的账户信息、账单和工资. Human 资源也位于业务办公室. 学生们可以把Beaver Bucks加到 通过营业厅办理身份证,以及提交税务资料等 学生就业表格.
Campus Information Desk  Marbeck Center 

The campus information desk is the main campus switchboard, the campus mailroom and the box office. 他们协调校园空间预订系统和公告栏 在整个校园内更新会议、会议和活动.
职业和职业中心  Musselman图书馆,一楼

The 职业和职业中心 assists students in getting career ready and finding their vocational calling. 他们帮助学生更多地了解他们的兴趣和兴趣 优势,确定他们的激情和目的,并探索专业和辅修. Additionally, they assist in developing job or internship search strategies, planning for graduate school admission, finding post-graduate service opportunities, and creating a résumé, 纸质或在线的求职信或作品集.
跨文化项目办公室 College Hall, second floor 

The cross-cultural programs office offers students insight and assistance with planning 他们的跨文化机会. 学生可以得到帮助,找到机会, discover more about the experiences Bluffton offers, receive assistance with passport 签证注册,了解旅行经济援助,以及更多.
Counseling services  Riley Court, Spring Street 419-358-3449
Counseling services offers students free and confidential assistance for mental health 问题和心理健康. 学生们正在处理问题 任何级别的问题都欢迎预约.

Curriculum Resource Center  Musselman图书馆,4楼

课程资源中心为教育学生提供塑造的材料 their classrooms and bulletin boards while offering games, books and other materials 帮助完成他们的课程和教学计划. 其他学生也可以使用 宿舍布告板和项目的材料.    

Development Office  Riley Court 419-358-3269
发展办公室,服务于推进部门,与校友和 friends of the university who contribute to annual giving and donations that promote 校园创新与成长. 

Dining Services The Commons 
Marbeck Center
由索迪斯(Sodexo)运营的餐饮服务在马贝克公共餐厅(Marbeck Commons)提供餐饮 dining options at Freshens in Bob’s Place as well as full service banquet and catering services. 

Disability Services  Learning Resource Center 
College Hall, third floor 
Disability services offers students, who need additional accommodations, the appropriate 安排他们最大限度地发挥教育潜力,培养他们的独立性 最大限度地发挥自己的能力,发挥自己的水平,而不是 their disabilities.

Facilities Reservation  Marbeck Center  419-358-3216
校园设施可预留供校内及社区使用. Bluffton University 会员可透过  网上订座门户网站. 校外预订申请 may be made online. Contact Sodexo directly for catering services

Financial Aid Office  Spring Street  419-358-3266
经济援助办公室为新学生、入学学生和在校学生提供工具 以及在沙巴体育取得优异成绩的经济援助. 奖学金种类繁多 基于学业成就,音乐或艺术才能,社区参与和 more. 他们还可以回答有关财政资源的问题,以及有关联邦政府的话题 and state issues, financial aid application processes, grant and loan issues and much more.
健身和重量训练中心  Sommer Center   419-358-3216
The fitness and weight training center is a well-equipped fitness facility available 给沙巴体育的学生、教职员工和退休人员. 客人们可以坐小旅店 费用,根据季节,客人类型和特殊权限.
资讯科技支援台  Centennial Hall 
The Information Technology Department assists students connecting to the campus network, mapping the student's home directory, researching suspicious phishing email and accessing Bluffton电子邮件和软件资源. 
Intramural program    419-358-3218
The intramural program, under the direction of the health and sports science departments, 提供健康和健身的机会和休息的学术工作. The program offers a wide range of recreational sports and encourages a competitive and fun atmosphere for both athletes and non-athletes alike, with t-shirts awarded to champions in each intramural sport.
Learn and Earn program    419-358-3421 
The Learn and Earn program offers students employment on Bluffton’s campus, with the 一些人在他们的学术研究领域获得工作经验的能力. Students 是否有资格通过助学金获得校园工作. Work ranges 每周工作2到10个小时,每年根据绩效加薪.
Learning Resource Center  College Hall, third floor   419-358-3018 
学习资源中心以以下形式提供学术和个人支持 学习小组、辅导、讲习班和个人咨询. The center provides aid with lessons in time management, note taking, reading, math, test taking and stress management and much more. 它还提供了一个安静的学习和做作业的地方. 

 Musselman Library  Bluffton University   Call: 419-358-3262
Text: 419-890-3508
Musselman图书馆提供大量的校内文献和校外文献 texts through OhioLINK partnership, online databases, eBooks and texts, a memory archive, 个人图书管理员协助和更多. 图书馆还举办了一些艺术活动 & 讲座学分活动贯穿全年,包括第一个星期二论坛讲座和 book readings.
狮羊和平艺术中心  Riley Court 
S. Spring Street 
The 狮羊和平艺术中心 promotes the study of peace and justice, cultural 理解和非暴力应对冲突,强调这些主题 for children. 该中心利用艺术和文学,提供资源,艺术收藏品 以及儿童、学生和所有人关注沙巴体育主题的节目 peace and nonviolence. 它也是国际连接公司(ICon)的总部。.
Lost & Found  Campus Information Desk
Marbeck Center 
失物招领部为找到或丢弃的物品提供了一个寄存点 on campus. 物品可按要求向服务台的工作人员上交或领取.

Mail Room  Marbeck Center  419-358-3000
收发室为学生提供校外邮件服务 信件以及校园邮件分发. 收发室也由 校内组织教职工等回访考试,宣传校园 activates and more.
Marbeck Center  1 University Drive 419-358-3000
Marbeck Center serves as the social, recreational and informational center on campus. It features Freshens at Bob’s Place, The Commons dining facility, lounges, the bookstore, 邮局,学生组织办公室,会议室等. It serves as a 个人参与和社区在沙巴体育的基地.
多元文化学生发展中心 Hirschy Breezeway

多元文化学生发展中心促进学术和个人成长 以及沙巴体育少数民族和国际学生的发展. The center offers academic and personal counseling, meeting and studying spaces, liaison services, diversity 项目和其他有用的资源. 它也是多元文化学生的家 Organization.
学生参与办公室  Marbeck Center  419-358-3218
The office of student engagement works to embrace and enrich student leadership, focusing 在沙巴体育的60多个学生团体和组织中提升领导力. 办公室的工作是通过各种各样的方式来团结这个学生组织基地 计划,包括工作坊、资源和服务机会. 
President's Office  College Hall, second floor  419-358-3324
校长办公室是沙巴体育的校长. Jane Wood. 

Public Relations Riley Court
S Spring Street
Public relations provides on and off campus resources and materials for major events, 活动、创新和其他进展信息. They also write campus and community wide news stories, press releases and feature articles, as well as maintain 校园社交媒体和其他各种任务.
Residence Life Office Riley Court 
S Spring Street
宿舍生活办公室主要负责学生宿舍和公寓的生活 大学生活必不可少的一部分. 他们促进社区的发展和建设 通过公共生活氛围、活动等建立友谊. The office works with residence life staff, provides housing questionnaires for new and incoming students, 协调房间图纸,协助维修等工作.
Registrar's Office  College Hall, second floor   Call: 419-358-3321
Fax: 419-358-3323
The registrar’s office provides administrative services to both current and prospective 学生、教师、家庭和校友. 办公室负责班级注册事宜 and schedule changes, graduation certification, grade reporting and transcript processing 以及其他涉及学术要求和问题的任务.
Sauder Visual Arts Center Sauder Visual Arts Center
S Spring Street
索德视觉艺术中心是沙巴体育艺术系的所在地 海丝特图形艺术工作室和格蕾丝·阿尔布雷希特画廊. 该设施提供最先进的设备。 工作室为绘画、绘画、版画、陶瓷、雕塑、平面设计等 more. 每年举办几次展览,包括年度高级展览和 每年一度的艺术展览以艺术中心工作室制作的艺术作品为特色.
Security  Burky Hall
7 a.m.-8 p.m.:  419-303-5116
8 p.m.-7 a.m.:  419-303-3121
校园安全确保了沙巴体育学生在校期间的安全. 保安整个晚上都在监视校园,以确保建筑物的安全. They also act as campus police and can report vehicle violations, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual misconduct, weapons and other crimes to the student life office or other local authorities.
Spiritual Life Office  Riley Court 
S Spring Street
The spiritual life office services as the home for Bluffton’s spiritual life organizations. 有学生带领的敬拜,基督徒运动员团契,服事和 圣经研究是办公室的主要活动之一. 由校园部负责 assistance, the spiritual life office promotes the integration of the community during worship while being shaped by the Mennonite values of respect, peacemaking and service.
Sports Information  Sommer Center  Call: 419-358-3241
Fax: 419-358-3070
Sports information provides sports records, game day info and schedules, rosters and 沙巴体育男女队的其他体育相关材料. Records, rosters 比赛日的信息也可以在网上找到
Sports Medicine Sommer Center 
Sports medicine provides student athletes with basic care, rehabilitation and injury 因脑震荡、扭伤和拉伤、轻伤、 冰浴和其他基本的物理援助.
 Student Life Office College Hall  419-358-3247
The student life office challenges and supports student learning, discovery and growth 在一个尊重和服务的社区环境中. 办公室是一个关键的资源 and advocate for development of all students at Bluffton, and to ensure the university 提供一个安全,热情和多样化的环境.
 Technology Center  百年纪念堂低层   419-358-3459
The technology center provides computer-related services and technologies to students, 沙巴体育的教职员工. 设备租赁、打印服务、扫描、 IT service, classroom assistance and design and productivity software are also available.

Writing Center  Musselman图书馆,一楼 

The Writing Center offers free feedback and edits on writing projects to help students 加强他们的报告或个人写作. 该中心的工作人员通常是学生 majoring in education and English, offering peer tutoring and resume building material for student workers. 该中心可以协助进行头脑风暴,组织草稿, 准备报告,修改文章,校对基本语法错误.