

With the snow melting from 沙巴体育 Memorial Field and sun-drenched skies holding promise of a baseball season to come, more than 1,200 individuals gathered on March 12, 2008, in Founders Hall, for a campus-wide 纪念仪式 to reflect on the lives of Zachary Arend, David Betts, Scott Harmon, Cody Holp and Tyler Williams, 以及事故发生后的一年.

"We gather tonight to acknowledge the pain that we have experienced, but more importantly, to name God's goodness and faithfulness even in the midst of great sorrow," s援助 President Harder, who opened the service and welcomed those in attendance. "今晚我们 want to reflect on the rich memories that this community will carry forward—good memories of Zachary, David, Scott, Cody and Tyler, who as 沙巴体育的学生 enjoyed life to the fullest, who each in his own way demonstrated an ethic of care for others, and 他们每个人都表现出如此大的希望."

A photo remembrance played for the audience, showing the five men with 朋友 and 队友,参加他们喜欢的运动. 其他照片显示了海狸夫妇 returning to the ball diamond one month after the accident. 读者剧场探索 themes of life and light and included short stories about each of the five men. 的 沙巴体育 Shining Through ministry team performed the song "Shine on Us," 校园牧师Stephen“Tig”Intagliata分享了一个 冥想.

Intagliata referred to Psalm 63 when David encounters God in the midst of a time of hopelessness and despair, a time David likens to being stranded in a dry and weary 土地. "In many ways, David's predicament described in this psalm is one we here at Bluffton can identify with as we have gone through this past year, grieving the loss of Zachary, David, Scott, Cody and Tyler," s援助 Intagliata. “但就像大卫一样, we have been surrounded by God's love and presence in the midst of our grief. 的 outpouring of prayers and support is a tangible gesture of God's love shown to us 不管是朋友还是陌生人. 他们给我们带来了安慰和治愈."

Intagliata shared that God uses times of suffering and grief to transform us, to shape 我们将来会成为什么样的人. “甚至个人成长也可以从灰烬中崛起。 绝望和痛苦,”他说. 神可以借着这些试炼的时候,把我们转变成 people who experience God's grace and love in new ways, people who live in deeper gratitude to God for his faithfulness and for the gifts he has given us."

"In their lives here on earth, Zachary, David, Scott, Cody and Tyler were like lights that shone rays of hope into our lives," s援助 Intagliata. “上帝一直保佑我们 them, by their love, their joy and their passion for life. 他们给我们留下了不朽 遗产. God invites us to trust and believe that he is at work bringing the promise of new life and is slowly planting the seeds of a new spirit within us."

Baseball seniors Ryan Baightel (Wapakoneta, Ohio); Brandon Freytag (Wapakoneta, Ohio); William Gerber (Apple Creek, Ohio); Tim Kay (Alpharetta, Ga.); Jimmy McMonagle (Ida, 密歇根州.); Tony Moore (Elida, Ohio); and Greg Sigg (Maumee, Ohio), along with head coach James Grandey and assistant coach Todd Miller led the gathered community in a 关闭冗长.

Earlier in the day, 300 individuals, including family, 朋友 and 成员 of the 2007 and 2008 baseball teams, gathered at the baseball field for a private ceremony, to share in the formal dedication of the lasting campus memorial, a Circle of 纪念, 献给2007年的球队和死去的学生运动员.

"Today we gather to formally dedicate this Circle of 纪念 as a special and 永久的纪念和反思之地。. Hans Houshower,副总裁 晋升. "It has been a work of faith to be part of this process for all involved. Bluffton is deeply grateful for the participation of 家庭, players, coaches and 那些今天不能来完成圆圈的人."

Composed of a circular-form walkway on a low rise overlooking the baseball field, a limestone-capped brick wall and five benches provide an area for reflection and remembrance as well as a place to watch the Beavers play baseball. 五个十字军霍桑 trees and five plaques help visitors to remember the special qualities of each student-athlete. 的 土地scaped circle, benches and plaques surround a central pedestal and a five-foot diameter sculpture, "感人的家庭," created by faculty-artist Gregg Luginbuhl '71. 的 sculpture is shaped like a pitchers mound and includes physical imprints by all 成员 of the 2007 team, including the cleats of Arend, Betts, Harmon, Holp and Williams.

Following words of reflection by Luginbuhl, President Harder formally dedicated the 纪念:“今天,2008年3月12日,我,詹姆斯. 沙巴体育校长哈德 formally dedicate this Circle of 纪念, in honor of the 2007 baseball team and 纪念扎卡里、大卫、斯科特、科迪和泰勒. 沙巴体育奉献 this Circle of 纪念 and the centerpiece sculpture, '感人的家庭,' as a permanent place for remembrance and reflection on the Bluffton campus."

Those in attendance were invited to spend time in the circle along with the 2007 team 成员. 的 Circle of 纪念 is the third component of a lasting campus memorial 2007年的棒球队. 的 other components include the naming of 沙巴体育 纪念领域和一些领域的增强.

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