
Graduate programs in business

swinging bridge

沙巴体育提供两个商科研究生课程. The master of business administration (MBA) and the master of arts in organizational management (MAOM) share 这是MBA和MAOM学生共同学习的核心课程. Each program 也有专门针对MBA或MAOM学生的课程.

学生可以在12个月或22个月内在线完成沙巴体育MBA课程.  The classes meet via videoconferencing, one night a week (two nights a week for the 12-month program). 沙巴体育商学院的MBA课程侧重于领导力发展.  

Except when noted otherwise, admissions policies and academic procedures are identical for both programs.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Organizations today seek leaders who offer creative approaches to problems, respect diversity and embrace change. 工商管理硕士课程准备研究生提高 在他们的组织和更大的社会中的角色. MBA students examine carefully 组织在快速和全球变化的时代所扮演的角色. In the process, students increase their capacity for use of quantitative concepts and tools in productive and strategic managing. 以沙巴体育历史悠久的和平教会传统为基础 University, the MBA program assists students to develop and nurture healthy organizations and a just society.

Program characteristics


  • MBA课程的入学不需要商学本科学位. Graduates are employed in the for-profit, not-for-profit and public sectors and have a variety of educational backgrounds.
  • Students enhance their managerial skills through extensive investigations of management issues. 课堂报告、材料和作业与管理密切相关 challenges which students confront.
  • Classes are interactive in nature with substantial opportunities for experiential learning. 学生的评价是基于论文、课堂参与和演讲.
  • Students enjoy support from a creative, interactive community of advanced learners. They also receive personalized attention from faculty members who hold appropriate advanced degrees in relevant fields of study.
  • 夜校允许学生继续全职工作.


Program requirements

Required courses:
管理学的理论与实践 (3)
MGT 510组织,管理和美国文化 (3)
MGT 515 Data Analysis and Decision-Making (3)
MGT 525 Financial Decision Making (3)
市场营销,技术和管理 (3)
MGT 620组织和全球经济 (3)
当代管理中的战略问题 (3)
MGT 635 Managerial Economics (3)
MGT 645领导沟通在工作场所 (3)
评估和发展领导技能 (3)
MGT 661 Leading Innovation and Change (3)
MGT 662 Managing People in Organizations (3) 


Organizations today seek leaders who offer creative approaches to problems, respect diversity and embrace change. MAOM计划准备研究生提高 在他们的组织和更大的社会中的角色. MAOM students examine carefully 组织在快速和全球变化的时代所扮演的角色. In the process, students increase their capacity for imaginative, productive and strategic managing. 以沙巴体育历史悠久的和平教会传统为基础 University, the MAOM program 协助学生发展和培育健康的组织和公正的社会.

Program characteristics


  • 进入MAOM项目不需要商学本科学位. Students are employed in the for-profit, not-for-profit and public sectors and have various educational backgrounds.
  • Students enhance their managerial skills through extensive investigations of management issues. 课堂报告、材料和作业与管理密切相关 challenges which students confront.
  • Classes are interactive in nature with substantial opportunities for experiential learning. 学生的评价是基于论文、课堂参与和演讲.
  • Students enjoy support from a creative, interactive community of advanced learners. They also receive personalized attention from faculty members who hold appropriate advanced degrees in relevant fields of study.
  • 夜校允许学生继续全职工作.


Program requirements

Required courses:
管理学的理论与实践 (3)
MGT 510组织,管理和美国文化 (3)
MGT 515 Data Analysis and Decision-Making (3)
MGT 525 Financial Decision Making (3)
市场营销,技术和管理 (3)
MGT 620组织和全球经济 (3)
当代管理中的战略问题 (3)
MGT 645领导沟通在工作场所 (3)
评估和发展领导技能 (3)
MGT 661 Leading Innovation and Change (3)
MGT 662 Managing People in Organizations (3)
MGT 690 Integrative Seminar (3)



Examines the theory and practice of management from early times through the era of scientific management. 研究了学习型组织理论.

MGT 510组织,管理和美国文化  (3)
Provides students with an understanding of models for organizations and management based in historical and cultural realities. Organizations of the industrial revolution 对于那些后现代的,多元文化社会的人来说.

Explores business use of tools and processes to enhance corporate decision-making. This course presents the basics of decision analysis as applied to value-focused thinking, decision modeling risk and uncertainty, sensitivity analysis, and efficient use of statistical decision making and heuristics.

Emphasizes the use of analytical and critical thinking skills in financial decision-making. Topics include opportunity costs, breakeven analysis, operational and capital budgeting. 电子表格在整个课程中用于决策目的.

This multidisciplinary course examines the interplay of marketing and social commerce 以及对有效管理的影响. Balancing the synergies of marketing and technology is an emerging field of study as we find our society in the throes of a technological revolution. 社交商务正在迅速重塑这个领域 all organizations, whether for profit or non-profit, particularly through the marketing lens. Managing the collaboration of these once distinct areas of organizations requires a new approach to communication and strategy.

MGT 620组织和全球经济  (3)
Provides students with an understanding of the increased interdependence of national 经济和共同的政治和经济意识形态的传播. Students use economic tools to research the effects of increased globalization on individual organizations and countries.

当代管理中的战略问题  (3)
Combines theory with case analysis to investigate the development and implementation 公共和私营部门的战略. Key topics include strategy formulation in various environmental contexts, strategy analysis and organizational and managerial impacts on strategy formation.

This course applies insights from economic theory to the functions of managerial planning 以及在以市场为导向的业务环境中做出决策. Specific content includes an overview of the market system, consumer demand theory, cost analysis, profit analysis, pricing strategies, the economics of technical change and innovation, the architecture of the firm, employee incentives, international economic impacts and government regulation.

MGT 645领导沟通在工作场所  (3)
This course brings theories of language, narrative and performance to a discussion of the ways that communication shapes organizational identity, managerial leadership and employee identification.  在整个课程中,学生们被邀请做出 对管理和组织语言的批判和道德评论. The language, narrative and performance of nationally recognized leaders such as Rudy 朱利安尼、杰克·韦尔奇和斯蒂芬·柯维被用作例证.

评估和发展领导技能 (3)
This course explores the dynamics of the relationship between leaders and followers 运用当前的领导理论和广泛使用的自我评估工具.

本课程将检视有关变革管理与创新的文献. Students will develop an understanding of their roles as leaders who seek to create conditions 在组织内部支持和激励适应、创新和变革.

Surveys selected topics related to the management of people in organizations, including personnel selection and training, motivation, leadership, team building, the organization of work hours and space.

Involves independent study and a student presentation related to the broad topic of understanding effective management. 最后一篇论文演示了primary的用法 以及与该主题相关的应用资源. This paper includes a reflective 学生对连贯的管理哲学的综合.

Admissions process

Applicants should:

  • Complete our free application at, including a personal statement and resume.
  • 提交以前所有院校的正式成绩单.
  • 一经录取,请提交200美元的保证金,以确保在队列中获得一席之地.

 The following are the criteria for admission to the graduate programs in business:

  • Completed application materials.
  • 获得认可机构颁发的学士学位.
  • A 3.0 grade point average (on a 4.(0)在学士学位的后半部分 program.
  • 与项目主管或其他指定人员进行满意的面试.
  • 商科研究生项目主任批准入学.
  • For admissions questions, please contact or 419-358-3257.

Special student status

Special student status may be granted to applicants to permit them to complete six semester hours for the 12 month program or nine semester hours for the 22 month program 在正式进入MBA或MAOM课程之前. During the first six semester hours for the 12 month program or nine semester hours for the 22 month program, special 学生必须表现出保持3分的能力.0 grade point average (on a 4.0 尺度)被考虑为正式入学.

As space allows, special student status also may be granted to non-degree-seeking students who hold a bachelor's degree. Applicants should complete special student 状态表格是申请过程的一部分.

International students

International applicants are expected to have a minimum score of 565 on the TOEFL exam. 该规定可由董事及/或董事会酌情豁免 admissions committee of the MBA and MAOM programs, provided satisfactory English proficiency 另一种评价方法是可以论证的. In addition, all foreign language documents accompanying the application must include notarized translations. 国际学生必须在美国有住所才能注册. Bluffton 大学不会给在线课程发i -20.

Tuition and fees

Tuition (MBA/MAOM) per semester hour: $625
Technology fee per semester: $125

Refund policy

Students who withdraw from the MAOM or MBA program following approved withdrawal procedures receive refunds according to the schedule available from the business office or the financial aid office. 获得第四章助学金的学生可以获得退款和助学金 按联邦法律规定分配的款项. Distribution schedules are available 致所有来自商务办公室或财务部门的准学生和在校生 aid office. 

Graduation requirements

Students must complete coursework within four years of their admission to the MBA or MAOM program. 毕业要求包括完成36个学时的 课程作业(累积GPA不低于3分).0). Students must earn a grade of C- or above in all courses. 他们可能会重修课程以提高成绩. Students 每次上课都要交学费吗.

June 2023
