Complaint process

Bluffton University has an established procedure to address student concerns and complaints.The procedure varies based on the type of concern being raised.

For other Concerns/complaints, contact Registrar Iris Neufeld (, 419-358-3322). Issues not resolved at the institutional level, may be pursued with several organizations:

  • The student may file a grievance with the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
  • Students may contact our accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission.
    • The student may appeal to the portal entity of the home state of the institution through NC-SARA. The state portal entity will notify NC-SARA of the appealed complaint and will also notify the portal entity of the host state where the student is location. For Ohio, that contact information is:

      Matt Exline
      Assistant Director of Program Approval Operations
      Ohio Department of Higher Education
      25 South Front Street
      Columbus, OH  43215
