Teaching and Learning Center

The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is focused on enhancing student learning through supporting excellent teaching at Bluffton University. The TLC offers a variety of services, which can be tailored to meet professors needs. Much of the interaction with faculty will occur in individual conversations, though the TLC will also establish selected workshops and presentations as seems helpful. 

From the Faculty Development Committee

As the need arises, the Faculty Development Committee will plan workshops and opportunities for faculty to share ideas for teaching in the classroom.  Faculty will be notified of these events in the weekly Community Connection.

Book Club Study

Each semester a book club will be held for interested faculty to read and discuss a resource on the latest trends in higher education and teaching methods. 

Fall semester 2022 book club study 
Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning,  by James Lang. 

Bring your lunch and gather in Kreider Room at noon on the following Fridays to discuss the week’s readings: 

  • Sept. 2
  • Sept. 16
  • Sept. 30
  • Oct. 14
  • Oct. 28
  • Nov. 11
  • Nov. 18
  • Dec. 2

Instructors are invited to contact directly staff members of the TLC:

  • Teaching and Learning Center Director: Randy Keeler keelerr@classactbusiness.netRandy works with instructors to strengthen classroom instruction, develop effective approaches to teach writing, and cultivate student advising relationships.

  • Learning Technology Coordinator: Chris Gott gottc@classactbusiness.net
    Chris helps instructors consider how they can most effectively incorporate Moodle or other learning technology into their courses.

  • Student Learning Assessment Coordinator: Alex Sider siderja@classactbusiness.net Alex assists instructors and departments to develop, use and interpret assessment related to student learning.

  • Library Resources Coordinator: Carrie Phillips phillipsc@classactbusiness.nethelps instructors find ways to integrate library resources and services in their courses and collaborates with departments in curriculum planning.

Teaching and Learning lunch discussions, hosted by the Faculty Development Committee, provide an informal venue for information and discussion on a range of topics. If you have an idea for a lunch discussion, contact Gayle Trollinger (trollingerg@classactbusiness.net).

Specific services of the TLC:

Faculty Peer Coaches: Instructors can request to have a peer coach observe a class session and provide feedback. These evaluations are solely for professors growth and would not be related to the official evaluations for promotion and tenure. If you would like to request a peer coach visit or to volunteer to serve as a peer coach, please contact Randy Keeler.

Experts on Campus: Through particular study or extensive experience, members of the Bluffton community have expertise in specific areas. Please contact them for ideas and conversation about these topics. We also want to continue to add to this list, so contact Randy Keeler with your area of expertise.
