科学 facilities

Knowlton 科学 Center - 20,000 square foot building

自然保护区 - 160-acre, adjacent to campus

Moyer Nature Center - Located near the main entrance of the 自然保护区

Shoker 科学 Center - 10,000 sq-ft underground building

奥斯汀E. Knowlton 科学 Center, a 20,000 square foot building built on the west side of campus, is designed for 21st-century teaching and learning. 的 center features labs and collaborative spaces for biology, chemistry,  pre-medicine, pre-physical therapy, medical laboratory science and dietetics students. 
More about Knowlton 科学 Center >


生物学 labs are housed in Knowlton 科学 Center. Standard equipment consists of  microscopes, walk-in refrigerator, sterilizer, a thermocycler. Various instruments are shared with chemistry such as spectrophotometers, microscopes and dissecting scopes with digital cameras, and other standard equipment. An anamotage表 is a new tool housed in Knowlton.

的 university maintains a 160-acre 自然保护区 adjacent to campus where students can observe and obtain specimens. 莱利溪 through the nature preserve and Little 莱利溪 through campus. 

Moyer Nature Center is located near the main entrance of the nature preserve and serves as a place for field study in the sciences, programming for recreational leadership, and environmental and sustainability education for the public.


的 chemistry labs in Knowlton 科学 Center contain a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 机器及其他 modern instrumentation such as FT-IR, Raman, FT-NMR, GC, HPLC, UV-VIS, AA, and other standard equipment. Students will use these instruments regularly as part of their laboratory experience.


的 Wannemacher Food 科学 Lab in Knowlton 科学 Center includes six kitchen areas 12名学生. 的re are three gas and three electric stoves, all with state-of-the-art 安全特性. 的 lab’s centerpiece is the demonstration kitchen, which includes two cameras that allow professors to teach techniques during class or have educational 事件. Students can livestream their 事件 and record them for evaluation.



物理 and pre-engineering are housed in Shoker 科学 Center, a 10,000 sq-ft underground building. 教师 offices, a student study area, reference library and computer work stations are also housed in Shoker 科学 Center. 

物理 labs include typical instructional equipment such as air tracks, as well as electronics work stations, radiation detection equipment and computer data-acquisition 系统. A small machine shop is shared with other science disciplines.

物理 also maintains astronomy equipment including several small refracting telescopes and two computer-guided Schmidt-Cassegrainian telescopes (Meade LX-200 8-inch and Celestron Nexstar 5-inch). Astrophotography can be pursued with film cameras or with a Meade digital camera.

General education labs

One science course with a lab is requied of all 沙巴体育的学生. Non-science students select from several general education competencies 科学产品. Labs for these courses are usually held in the Founders Hall Labs. Lab sections are limited to 18 students so everyone can receive a hands-on experience under direct supervision of a science professor.