

While TJ chose Bluffton primarily because of basketball, she s援助 Bluffton has been crucial in helping her shape what she wants to do with her future. 她一开始是 an exercise science major, but her new goal is to become a clinical psychologist.



If you are interested in sociology, psychology or criminal justice, you’re probably curious about how the world works and want to make it a better place. 我们想帮忙 你就这样做.

At Bluffton, professors will encourage you to think outside the box, ask the tough questions and then figure out a way to apply it to a job you’re interested in.






Do you want to make the world a better place? 修复犯罪所造成的伤害? Consider a major or minor in criminal justice.

At Bluffton, criminal justice is an academically rigorous program developed to produce leaders in the academic field, corrections, 执法, mediation and community organizing who embrace the philosophy of restorative justice.


While majoring in criminal justice, 三美城市 is also studying for a minor in coaching. She developed leadership skills through her internship with the women's soccer team 在沙巴体育.

Future in coaching >


Are you fascinated by figuring out what makes people tick? 那么心理学可能是 选择适合你的专业或辅修.

As a psychology student 在沙巴体育, your classes are designed to provide solid preparation for either employment upon graduation or for you to move on to graduate studies. 


米奇Fimiani’s ultimate goal is to work in the FBI, but he’s also excited about the community relations aspect of policing and the momentum to bring positive change to 执法.

“With everything that’s happening in our world right now and with 执法, if we want a change, it starts with the new recruits. 我未来的主要目标 is to make a difference in every way possible.”

>>>Mikey’s Story


社会工作ers are compassionate, creative problem-solvers who are employed in human service settings: family and child welfare, juvenile services, mental health, corrections, hospitals, nursing homes and in programs for the elderly, developmentally disabled 物质成瘾.

Kayla Ferguson-Social Work and 心理学 Major

Now a psychology and social work double major, Kayla Ferguson completed her first field experience at the Juvenile Detention Center in Lima during the fall 2020 semester.

“Deanna [Barthlow-Potkanowicz, associate professor of psychology] convinced me to 参加社会工作入门课程. 我爱上了它.” 

>>> Kaylas’s story


社会学 is a social science combining scientific and humanistic perspectives in the study of society and its organizations. The discipline of sociology includes the exploration and analysis of family patterns and relationships, group and organizational relationships, race and ethnicity, social class, social movement, and contemporary 社会问题和议题.

Heather McConnaughey, 20岁

Senior Heather McConnaughey recently presented her research “Why Reading Matters for Juvenile Offenders: The Relationship Between Literacy and Recidivism” at the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association’s annual meeting in Chicago.

“社会学 is looking at how people relate to other people. 当你深入挖掘时, there’s usually a reason why people commit the crimes they do.”  >>> Heather’s story


The minor in political science introduces students to the systematic study of power 在社会. The minor builds on the state-centric models common in the field with a unique focus on individual and community-level analysis of structures, behaviors 和结果. The core classes of the minor introduce students to the current state 野外的. Further coursework, through electives, is flexible ranging from prescriptive coursework on policy and justice to descriptive coursework on systems and history. Broadly, students can focus on domestic, local or international levels of analysis with economic, policy, legislative/legal or historic emphases shaped by both the courses 研究兴趣. Those interested in pursuing careers in political science are encouraged to pair the minor with a departmental honors project.

Supplement your major with a study of the experiences of women, including the achievements of women and the obstacles they have faced; contemporary issues that affect women’s lives; scholarly writings and creative works by women; and the theological, social, political and psychological methodologies employed to assess women’s lives.





与J合影. 丹尼和珍妮








While TJ chose Bluffton primarily because of basketball, she s援助 Bluffton has been crucial in helping her shape what she wants to do with her future. 她一开始是 an exercise science major, but her new goal is to become a clinical psychologist.
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