Places to live

  • Fooseball in the lobby
  • Residence hall room
  • Chilling in the lobby

在沙巴体育,我们相信“一切都与关系有关”.” Life-long friendships 是在教室、在下议院、在球场、田野或球场,以及在 residence halls.

传统的沙巴体育的本科生需要住在一个 大学宿舍,除非他们与父母或配偶住在一起 住在一个合理的通勤距离内. The university is committed to the 相信与他人一起住在宿舍是一个重要的组成部分 大学生活的教育和社会经验. Exceptions must be approved by the director of residence life.      

有六个大厅和一套公寓在居住生活中维护 program. 在这些设施中,你的同学作为支持人员,作为大厅 理事、驻地顾问及部助.




Bren-Dell Hall

brendellhall坐落在莱利河岸边,有95名学生. It is a 分隔的大厅,男女住在不同的楼层. Each of its three floors has a kitchen. 二楼有一个大型的自习室. A spacious main 建筑主入口的大堂于2015年进行了翻新. Bren-Dell was built in 1962.

Resident life staff

Hall director: 
Jenia Freewalt
1st floor 
RA: Micah Dodson 1st floor, Room 104
RA: Mariana Ickes 2nd floor, Room 206
RA: Landon Courtney 3rd floor, Room 307

Hall Chaplain

Drew Snipes

Wall dimensions - 11' 2"x 14' 6"   
Windows - 7' 3"x4'     
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"   
Mattress - 36"x80"



Hirschy Annex, houses 107 students.  这是一个分开的大厅,住着男人和女人 on separate floors. 二楼和三楼的房间通往一条走廊 环绕一层大厅和计算机实验室. 主大堂和厨房毗邻 the first floor. Hirschy Annex was built in 1966. 

Resident life staff

Hall Director: 
Edward Hardaway
RA: Zachary Johnson 1st floor, Room 118
RA: Halee McDade 2nd floor north, Room 228
RA: Lindsey Barnes 2nd floor south, Room 238
RA: Caleb Foltz 3rd floor north, Room 328
RA: Travion Curry 3rd floor, Room 338

Hall Chaplains

Havin Montague  

Wall dimensions - 13' 2"x 14' 2" 
Windows - 7' 6"x4'   
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"   
Mattress - 36"x80"



赫斯基宿舍(Hirschy Hall)有三层楼,有一间厨房,共有97名男女学生 on each floor. 一楼有一个宽敞的主大厅,有大窗户. Hirschy Hall was built in 1963.

赫希大厅的一个传奇特征是诺亚·赫希的青铜铸像,沙巴体育的 first president. 据说如果你在考试前揉鼻子,你就会考试 have good luck!

Resident life staff

Hall Director: 
Searra Hough
RA: Paige Smith 1st Floor, Room 102
RA: Dylan Fenbert 2nd Floor, Room 215
RA: Grant Hardeman 3rd Floor, Room 315

Hall Chaplains

Havin Montague  

Wall dimensions - 14'7" x 14'1" 
Windows - 9'3" x 4"  
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"   
Mattress - 36"x80"


Neufeld Hall

Neufeld Hall opened in 2003. 这是一个分开的大厅,住着108名男女 按侧翼往上,男人在东翼,女人在西翼,所有楼层. Living in 纽菲尔德首先提供给高年级和低年级学生.

特色包括每层宽敞的大堂和厨房,套房式走廊, 有游戏室、会议室和电脑室. 每个房间都配有多种配置 家具,高高的天花板和大窗户. 

创新家具的设计为学生提供了更大的灵活性 arrange their rooms. 每个学生都会得到一张床,一个五斗橱,一张桌子和 写字台,一个书柜和一把椅子. 每一件都与其他件相互连接 allow for 50 different configurations. 没有工具,硬件或学院人员 needed when stacking and rearranging. 重钢销确保安全稳定 没有传统阁楼家具的影响.

每个房间都有语音信箱、互联网和有线电视. The hall is air-conditioned and fully handicap accessible. 

Resident life staff

Hall Director: 
Noah Heiing
1st floor apartment
RA: Jenna Melroy 1st floor, Room 113
RA: Karley Ramirez 2nd floor, Room 223
RA: Mya Steele 3rd floor, Room 313
RA: Billy Mowakowski 4th floor, Room 423

Hall Chaplain

Zane Sarcheck

Wall dimensions - 14x12 
Windows - size varies by room  
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"
Mattress - 36"x80"
Floor style - carpet



拉姆塞耶大厅是一个分开的大厅,有109名学生,男女分开住 floors. 设施包括空调,电梯,宽敞明亮的主大堂和 二楼和三楼有带小厨房的大堂. A fully-equipped kitchen 会议室位于一楼,健身房位于地下室. 每个房间都有高高的天花板,通往宽敞的走廊. Ramseyer opened in 1994.

Resident life staff

Hall Director: 
Danielle King
1st floor  
RA: Carter Ritchey 1st floor, Room 106
RA: Noah Macke 2rd floor north, Room 209
RA: Angel Velasco 2nd floor south, Room 220
RA: Ella Meyers 3rd floor north, Room 309
RA: Emily Buss 3rd floor south, Room 320

Hall Chaplain

Alexa Chung and Coen North

Wall dimensions - 15' 2.5"x 12'
Windows - 5'x5'5"
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"
Mattress - 36"x80"
Floor style - carpet




一个被称为“坑”的大型中央休息室位于主入口附近 是一个受学生欢迎的聚会场所. Six of the nine floors in 罗普大厅有自习室和厨房设施,而一个更大的, 设备齐全的厨房位于第一Ropp附件. Two hall computer labs are also located in the building. 罗普大厅一楼有一间健身房 是沙巴体育学术卓越中心的所在地 honors program as well as the Health Center.

罗普宿舍建于1914年,是沙巴体育第一个女生宿舍. 第二个侧翼Ropp Annex于1958年建成,而第三个侧翼Ropp Addition则于1958年建成 completed in 1967.



Resident life staff

Hall Director: 
Riley Mitosinka
1st floor , Hall Director apartment

RA: Madelynn Vickers 1st floor Ropp Annex, Room 182
RA: Drew Matthews 2nd floor Ropp Annex, Room 273
RA: Zaria DeLeon 3rd floor Ropp Annex, Room 373
RA: Lauren Case 1st floor Ropp Addition, Room 114
RA: Devyn Milburn 2nd floor Ropp Addition, Room 205
RA: Emily Jones 3rd floor Ropp Addition, Room 305
also covering 3rd floor Old Ropp
RA: Michael Stuff 2nd floor Old Ropp, Room 206

Hall Chaplain

Amelia Adams

Wall dimensions - 14' 5"x 13'
Windows - 7' 1"x4' 4"
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"
Mattress - 36"x80"

Wall dimensions - 15' 4"x 11' 3"
Windows - 7' 6"x4'
Bed frame - 36.5"x80"
Mattress - 36"x80"

Wall and window dimensions - vary by room. Please contact the director of residence life.

Bed frame - 36.5"x80"
Mattress - 36"x80"
Floor style - carpet - 2nd floor only 

Every hall has the following:

  • 大堂设有基本的有线电视
  • 厨房与冰箱和炉子或微波炉
  • 洗衣设施(费用已包含在食宿费中)
  • soda vending machine
  • 仅用于存放小件物品(手提箱、箱子、大衣箱)的空间
  • Ramseyer, Ropp和Hirschy Halls在指定区域有熨衣板


  • Network data connection
  • Desk & chair
  • Curtains or blinds
  • Bed
  • Closet
  • Dresser

除了纽菲尔德宿舍外,所有宿舍都可以设置床铺和阁楼. 如果你选择阁楼,它需要合并床架. You may bring 然而,额外的家具,任何大学家具都不能从房间里搬走, including the metal bedframes. 每个房间也有顶灯,镜子,烟 检测器和一些房间有一个小公告板.

我们与一站式商店Dormify合作,帮助你轻松找到所有东西 you’ll need for your room. 从床上用品和宿舍包到存储必需品和 流行装饰,我们整理了所有你需要制作的学校认可的物品 your transition to college easy.

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