
沙巴体育新闻- 2007年3月13日


Breaking through an overcast sky, the evening sun lit the faces of the Bluffton campus community and supporters who lined the sidewalks outside Founders Hall long before 周一晚上7:30开门.m. 沙巴体育的追悼会 student-athletes who lost their lives in a March 2 bus accident in Atlanta, Ga.

Nearly 2,500 individuals turned out to remember the lives of baseball players Zachary Arend (Oakwood, Ohio); David Betts (Bryan, Ohio); Scott Harmon (Lima, Ohio); Cody Holp (Arcanum, Ohio) and Tyler Williams (Lima, Ohio); and bus driver Jerome Niemeyer 和他的妻子珍(俄亥俄州哥伦布格罗夫).

In front of a hushed Founders Hall audience and closed-circuit seating in Burcky Gym, 沙巴体育’s baseball team entered the gymnasium with seven lit candles, centering them on the stage in remembrance of those who died, illuminating a theme “光”贯穿了整个仪式.

沙巴体育校长詹姆斯. 更欢迎那些聚集和认可的人 the nationwide prayer and support the institution and 家庭 have received, specifically 赞扬亚特兰大市. 他注意到俄亥俄州州长特德·斯特里克兰也在场, as well as representatives from numerous colleges and universities, churches and Mennonite organizations, Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference athletes, AirTran Airways workers and members of the Atlanta Fulton County Fire, 搜索 and Rescue Squad.

"The 沙巴体育 community has been extended in ways that could not previously 都是想象出来的,”哈德校长说. “我们对每一个表达都深表感谢 表示慰问和关怀. 确实,通过这一切,我们感受到了那只手 of God reaching out to bring comfort when we have experienced so much pain and loss."

President Harder observed the strength and nobility of each baseball team member, 尤其是阿伦德、贝茨、哈蒙、霍普和威廉姆斯的作品. “对五名球员来说 we remember this evening, the 2007 season ended before they could take the field for 他们的第一场比赛,”哈德说. “但与他们的队友一起,他们的生活 have already inspired us in more ways this season than would have been possible no 不管他们在场上的表现有多出色."

在纪念学生运动员的过程中. Donald L. 潘纳贝克,副总裁和 dean of academic affairs emeritus, emphasized that "through tears, darkness gives 通往光明之路." He described how Bluffton’s small town values have been reflected in Atlanta’s overflowing "cup of compassion," creating a bond of similarity between an 俄亥俄州的村庄和南部的城市. 他还谈到了穿透的“光束” the darkness through the help of firefighters, paramedics, doctors, nurses, churches, 组织和公司.

学生参议院主席汉娜·凯尔(印第安纳州戈申.提供了一个简短的思考 Psalm 130, encouraging 沙巴体育 students to "wait and watch for the sunrise 希望一定会到来."

Dr. George Metz, associate professor of education and Heartland Collegiate Athletic Conference faculty representative, described Bluffton as a community gathered in hope, trust, faith, sorrow and sadness—a community that "has the assurance of tomorrow’s hope."

Campus pastor Stephen "Tig" Intagliata provided a meditation on Jesus’ ministry to 失恋的. "Right now we are in-between the first pitch and the homerun in 九局下半,”因塔利亚塔说. 死神对耶稣没有最终决定权 也不用跟我们有最后的决定权."

两个博士. Larry George, Pathways associate professor of African American biblical faith 和历史. Eric Fulcomer, vice president for enrollment management and student 生命,献上祈祷. Scriptures were read by David Baumgartner, board of trustees member and father of baseball player Lukas Baumgartner (Berne, Ind.); Ryan Baightel (Wapakoneta, Ohio), baseball team captain; and Dr. 安吉拉·蒙特尔,生物学教授. In addition, the 沙巴体育 Camerata Singers performed under the direction 博士的. Mark J. Suderman.

Following the service, Taylor University catered a reception in Marbeck Center. The Bluffton campus community and supporters gathered to uplift one another through warm embraces and consoling smiles just as Bluffton faculty, staff and students had done 在当天早些时候的会议上. 学生们花时间思考和祈祷 在下午1点恢复上课之前,我们互相交流.m.

大三学生科林·约德(印第安纳州戈申.)是学生助理蒂姆·伯塔的密友 目前仍在亚特兰大住院的教练. 指的是他重返校园的第一天 since the accident, Yoder said, "Today has been the toughest day since the accident. I’ve tried to get back into my daily routine, only it’s impossible not to notice that 有些东西不见了. Today I have come to realize that my daily routine is no more, 因为我最好的朋友不在这里. 就像打开一本书寻找章节一样 被撕掉了吗. 我现在意识到与朋友的日常交流是多么重要 真的是."

"To me, coming back to campus felt like coming to a second home," said junior Micah Boehr (Bluffton, OH), David Betts的好朋友. “我拥有的人际关系 surrounded myself with here were made available again for me to draw support from, 我觉得我可以帮助那些需要帮助的人."

Regarding university support for students, Yoder said, "Bluffton has been great through 整个经历. 教师 and staff are lending support in numerous ways, and the strong sense of community has certainly risen to the surface.专业咨询师 are available for students, and several areas in Marbeck Center have been reserved 为了反思和回忆.

"While I hate that this tragedy had to happen, it has been apparent that Bluffton is the type of University that can help each other get through the toughest of times," 说约.

"I take comfort in the ways that Bluffton as a community is working hard to care for each other-朋友 taking care of 朋友 and faculty and staff checking in-and I’ve been blessed to see the ways that other schools and individuals have responded to 我们也一样,”凯尔说. “愈合过程已经开始."

Kehr’s sentiments are reflected in President Harder’s concluding words at the memorial service: "Darkness descends whenever lives are lost under tragic circumstances. But it also reflects our faith in God that lament can once again give way to hope, joy and love-that we can understand even death as a light in the darkness."

