Frequently asked questions

Is it easy for transfer students to get involved in campus activities?

Bluffton is known for its strong campus life and leadership programs. Since we are a residential campus, it has always been easy for transfer students to quickly get to know other students, faculty and staff. Current transfer students can be seen around campus in positions such as admission tour guides, resident assistants and Student Senate.
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What housing options are available?

Bluffton is a residential campus and has several types of residence halls available across campus. Transfer students are not assigned to one particular hall. You can work with our transfer coordinator to find out which hall may be best for you. There are also several options available for on-campus meal plans in our main dining hall and snack bar area.
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Can I commute to campus?

Most transfer students live on campus. However, students living at home from the local area are allowed to commute to campus. Transfer students who are at least 21 years of age on the first day of class and who have an associate’s degree or more than 60 credit hours college level credit are also allowed to commute. Adequate and accessible parking is available for our commuter students.

How do I find out how many of my current credits will transfer to Bluffton?

Our admissions counselors will work one-on-one with you to review your previous academic work to determine the number of credits that will transfer to Bluffton. This can usually be done within 1-2 days of receiving your academic transcripts. >>> transfer credit policy

Are there scholarship opportunities available for transfer students?

Yes. Some options include: Transfer Scholarship, Transfer Honors Scholarship and Community Enrichment Grant. In addition, there may be additional need based aid available to you through state, federal or university resources.
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Do I have to participate in orientation?

Students transferring in the fall participate in one of four orientation and registration days. Transfer sessions are scheduled in the the afternoon where you not only get a feel for the campus but also meet one-on-one with department representatives to schedule classes, answer billing questions, etc.

Students transferring in the spring will schedule individual orientation sessions with our transfer coordinator.

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