

“I want to have a rewarding career and to impact future generations.”

Dr. 玛蒂娜Cucchiara


“The Catholic school for girls I attended in Germany shaped me in decisive ways. In some ways, I never quite left the school because today my primary research focuses on Catholic sisters in Nazi Germany.”



Historians need a variety of skills to effectively interpret the past to the present. 他们 must be critical thinkers, excellent writers and adept oral communicators. 他们 need to analyze and evaluate historical data, and come up with interpretations of their own which are consistent with the evidence they have uncovered. 

At Bluffton, you will develop each of these skills and more with the help of Fulbright scholars, published authors and historians teaching your classes and preparing you 接下来的步骤. In addition, our History professors approach the study of History in conversation with the university’s Mennonite peace church heritage. 







One of the virtues of the History专业的学生 at Bluffton is its flexibility. 要求 a total of 40 semester hours, the major itself remains small enough to combine with another major or a combination of minors to speak to your individual career interests.

Lenny winiarski -主修History

“I enjoy History and research so much,” s援助 Lenny Winiarski. “找一些你喜欢的东西。 enjoy and you’ll do well in college.” 

<< Lenny's Story


Cierra Long ’23 a History专业的学生 from Urbana, Ohio, has always been fascinated by History. 

“While the other kids played outside, I stayed in the house and listened to stories from my grandparents about their childhood,” explained Long. ” 

<< Cierra's Story



Complete a major in History in four years with with the following guidelines

History classes at Bluffton are frequently revised to reflect new sources and interpretations. As a History专业的学生, you will be encouraged to 实习生 with a local or state historical agency or museum. Advanced students may assist professors with research projects and will be encouraged to complete departmental honors research projects

While the History专业的学生 remains excellent training for law school, students aiming for a career in law-related fields can major in any number of areas. Students interested in a career in law are strongly recommended to complete the 法律系的小.

With a History专业的学生, your career options are numerous. 你将准备好进入 careers in business, secondary education or voluntary service, or graduate programs in History, law and library science.  >>>occupational outlook

This major can be completed in 三年 if you are a dedicated and ambitious student.


To teach social studies or History in secondary school students need to 完成一个 History专业的学生 along with professional education courses to obtain an  adolescent/young adult license 在综合社会研究中.

Students interested in teaching social studies in middle school, grades 4-9, must 完成一个 middle childhood education major with social studies as one of the two areas of concentration. 童年中期 license requires concentrations in two areas; social studies, mathematics, natural 科学或语言艺术.

综合社会研究 (7 - 12年级)
幼儿中期教育 (第4 - 9年级)

Complete your studies in four years with with the following guidelines
幼儿中期教育 even years
幼儿中期教育 odd years





At Bluffton, we believe that the best preparation for a legal career is a broad background 在文科方面.

Explore courses required in the

When law schools assess candidates for admission, they are most interested in an applicant's grades, letters of recommendation and scores on the Law School 入学s Test (LSAT). Most commonly, 沙巴体育的学生 heading for law school have majored in 通信, 刑事司法, 经济学 or History. Sometimes they have combined these majors into a double-major, or with a minor in 和平与解决冲突.

Bluffton's 法律系的小 emphasizes the historical, political, social and economic foundations of society, while providing you with the skills you need in research, writing, communication, critical thinking and conflict transformation.



Explore courses required in the




与J合影. 丹尼和珍妮








“Every class with the Bluffton History professors is something brand new. 他们的知识 of History, whether it’s American, world or religious, is just out of this world.”

Dr. 玛蒂娜Cucchiara


“The Catholic school for girls I attended in Germany shaped me in decisive ways. In some ways, I never quite left the school because today my primary research focuses on Catholic sisters in Nazi Germany.”